What's The Fuzz?!

Interview With Cerberus - Retracing Bloodlines, Accessibility, & Passing Traditions

Cerberus Season 6 Episode 26

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On February 18th, '21 I sat down with Cerberus an indigenous, two spirited individual that's finding her place being ts'msyen. A creative mind that delves into art and writing! Unlike the other guests before her we get into discussions about disability and accessibility more heavily than before. She gets into the nitty gritty of her experiences with diagnosis that have doctors scratching their heads or failing to give one in general. As well as the mental and physical conditions that she deals with on a daily basis. 

Cerb's life is quite the rollercoaster and thanks to retracing his roots, it's only gotten more exciting for him. He recounts how he's been separated from his traditions, but since finding them again is glad to carry them onto the next generation. Including passing on his language and looking forward to finding out more. 

[Disclaimer: Please listen to your healthcare advisers. Recounting experiences/criticizing diagnosis in hindsight doesn't equate to medical advice.]

Thanks for listening!

Captain Nikko (NSFW 18+ SPICY)


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