What's The Fuzz?!

Interview With Posso - South Bronx, Cultural Differences, & Twitch Streaming

Rhyner Season 3 Episode 11

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On August 30th I sat down with a buddy of mine Posso - addressed as Storm in the interview - to discuss his roots and passions. Growing up in the South Bronx as half Dominican and half Puerto Rican Posso recounts his experiences growing up in "the hood." 

The dog eat dog nature of his surroundings taught him to put a mask on. But as he grew older, he came to terms with who he really was and embraced being part of the LGBT+ community and started a support system by steaming Smash Bros. Ultimate on twitch. 

Though he's furry adjacent, he's got more than a few choice words to say about the furry community...

Thanks for listening!

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